First, I second what Shawn said (see, what I did there? I said, first, second... never mind).

And here's my two cents based on my limited understanding of energy healing in general:

There are MANY, MANY systems of energy healing in different cultures and traditions. I believe that this goes back many thousands of years and all humans had access to this at one time or another. It has become forgotten over time and only a very few cultures have continued to develop what is essentially basic human wisdom.

And many of the systems that are around now including Reiki, pranic healing, all the diverse forms of qigong--traditional and modern, have merit and can be effective. I have little doubt that it is possible, no, even likely that your friend's pranic healing is one of these that works.

But here's the thing (at least from my understanding):

What makes any of these systems really effective is two things (at least): 1) the ability to focus and 2) the love in your heart.

Now, it is possible that many people can access both of those things using many different systems or at least two.

All I know, based on my experience, is I am not one of those. And I would venture to guess, most people are not.

So that leaves me with the realization that if I want to be effective in my healing myself and others, I must focus. Focus is the opposite of expanding. So there is a search light and there is a laser beam. The search light can be used for searching. But once I find what I am looking for, I need to narrow that energy beam to be more like a laser.

I have found what I needed: Spring Forest Qigong. Now, for at least a few years, maybe ten or more, I need to just focus, as much as my life, work, family, other commitments allow me to, on SFQ. I have found that as I focus, more and more OTHER systems, schools, teachers etc call to me, come out of nowhere, or friends who are into these others beckon me to join in.

It is tempting. But I have been there, done that, wore that T-shirt, watched that video etc. For me, it simply diluted my efforts and progress.

I think this could be applied regardless of the name of the system. Once you find something that works, stick with it for some years. Develop the love and the focus and all the gifts that are in other systems will be revealed in that one. Or, you will get a strong intuitive feel to move on and forward.

The question you have to ask yourself is "Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, pun...

Wait, that's the wrong question from a totally different movie!

No, what we ask, is does system x work for me? If it does, then stick with it and narrow the focus. There will be temptations and distractions. And they are endless. And unless you get a clear message that it is time to move on from system x and move to system y or stay with system x and begin learning sytem y, in my humble opinion it is a slight error to add on more tools and teachings from other teachers and systems.

I think what makes any healing powerful or in your words "more powerful" is generally not the "knowledge" or the "techniques", but rather the spirit of the teacher, and the teaching, but ultimately, the love and the focus of the healer.

I find that in Master Lin and in SFQ. For me, it is at least as good as any other energy healing system out there and maybe better than some or most. Now I change the search light into a laser by narrowing the focus.

That is my recommendation. Otherwise, you will find that there is no end to these kinds of questions because there will ALWAYS be other systems that beckon and call.

I hope that helps you. It helps me!

