I was dowsing my basement where I found something around 30 geopathic stress lines (thank god I have not yet moved to my new home and interestingly enough I have been delaying that for more than a year now), and I encountered this strange phenomena. At first I taught that I was not placing the cures in the right spot but after a couple of times something told me to ask how many geopathic stresses were present in the same spot. So I did and the rods indicated 2 geopathic stresses which I had to cure with different sets of cures since the energy was more than -7.
The direction of each of these stress lines were exactly opposite to each other (overlapping) and one was a fault line and the other water running underground.

In the same basement, in one of the corners I had three stress lines overlapping from the same direction and there was one of each kind of stress Marie mentions in the DVD. So my question is:

Is this some sort of fluke or is that possible?
I have to add that in this corner the first few stones at the corner (we build with limestone cut in rectangular sizes of 18" x 9" x 9") turned greyish green and constantly flaking.