It seems that I am being stagnant again, spinning my wheels I guess you'd say. It's like I know what I want and then I don't know what I want. Or I discount it. That seems to be my main problem in my life to creating the life I want to live. Like right now, I am getting by financially with my monthly bills, but I'm not sure what avenue to take to be more fulfilled workwise or maybe relationship wise.... Seems there is a deeper thing going on but I haven't pinpointed it all the way yet... It always seems to be there. And I seem to settle in my life a lot and don't really develope myself like I should or take advantage of opportunites. Maybe it is just a comfort zone.

I've been learning about the Silva Method. And then I see this issue is coming up with that. I could delve into it and use the tools to create what I want, but it seems there is a block there and I don't really care about "things" so much... It's hard to write clearly what is going on...

I'll be back to hopefully share what I discover. In the meantime, any thoughts you have on this would be interesting to hear....

thanks for any input and for listening,
............. scooter~* \:\/

ps... maybe it all boils down to what is blocking me in my life and I need to investigate that...