You said that you "Failed" at photoreading. You didn't fail, you simply did not achieve what you wanted within the timeframe you gave yourself. You only fail when put a time limit to something.

The Photoreading techniques have worked really well for me but I cannot "photoread" yet. However, I enjoy my books much more and I am more focussed on reading than I ever was before .

If you get a headache when using Natural Brilliance and Hoyosync then just use ONE of them. The NB book has a section where you list your achievements.

My advice is similar to Davio above. Chill Out. Life is for living. Not for putting a tick on a check list of things achieved. Sure, they can be important but not every minute of the day. Maybe reflect once a week and then go "wow I achieved all this"

That's the feeling I get when I walk up a mountain. I don't look back all the time; only so often and say, "Wow look how far we have come"

Regarding Paraliminals: They, in themselves will not work. You do the work - they help, but you still have to do it. I remember reading something somewhere about this but I cannot find it this late at night (00:25 in the UK) Actually, I think it is in the NB Book.

So Chill Out - Live life, enjoy the things around you, love the people near you and reflect occasionally.

If you want to talk outside this BB then email me.