We all talk about it! what is it< could we ever know

in the new scientist they by using MRI equipment have placed love in this category, it is a combination of HUNGER and OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE. Its cool to think about it that way.

Many people say that all things have two extreme vices. In the middle is what you call love. Not good nor bad but LOVE!

Something that is good for you, getting a grat deal on a house $200000 cheaper than its worth is great for you in the good category but the person who is going bankrupt and that is why they are selling the house, BAD

A universal world perspective again, back to the world as a micro organsim, love is harmmony!

Can we show love by doing nasty deeds? once again what might be good for one person can be nasty for another.

I just read (PR of course)a great book on marketing, "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" If you want financial freedom and your in marketing this will help.

[This message has been edited by dovio (edited December 22, 2003).]