I have been out on vacation since before Christmas, so I have had no access to my computer since then.

I have already finished all my Prosperity sessions and the results are really visible. I speak about financial independence almosty everyday. It's got with skepticism by my family, but that's understandable. I not just speak about it, I'm always thinking on this, not as I used to (as if it were something fictional), but as something I'm heading to.

A week ago, I was at Borders. While I was in-line to pay for a magazine, I saw a book that caught my attention. It was called "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and had to do about the difference between what rich people teach to their children that poor people don't. I took it, read the backcover, and put it back where it was; but I finally bought it. I was dreading that it was a shallow approach to this theme, common sense things that I already knew. I was wrong, it blew my mind. Definitely, something useful. Maybe it was my inner mind along with my financial freedom goal what compelled me to buy that book, it was a very good adquisition.

Now I'm preparing for Anxiety Free. I have read the AF-side A and AF-side B. It looks to me that these two are more interrelated than the previous ones.