I have listened to Happy for No Reason Audiobook ( 5 CDs ) about 4 times & I found it to be uplifting . However the biggest result came from the Paraliminal ( it is worth 100 x the suggested price to me ) which I have listen to daily in the morning for the last 2 months . I am happy & laughing a lot more everyday as my workmates have noticed a positive improvement in my daily mood . I no longer get into long periods of depression and if I get a little depressed , it last no more than a few minutes instead of hours or days. Writing down 5 things to be grateful for every evening makes a great difference as I find life more joyful & fulfilling as I cultivate my gratitude & give thanks to even little things like me smiling at a little girl and she giving me a big smile in return . About 3 days ago I woke up in the middle of the night all worried about the current economic situation after the big stockmarket crash ( which is really beyond my control anyway so how silly is all the worry )and couldn't go back to sleep . So I listened Happy F N R Paraliminal & went back to sleep effortlessly after the CD player switched off . And recently when I was feeling a bit down at work first thing in the morning , I listened to Happy F N R Paraliminal for the second time that morning and I find the rest of the workday is more enjoyable ! This Paraliminal is the only one that I have used consistently for such a relatively long time because I found it to be so effective in changing my neural pathways for want of a better word.