CyberShaman is a computer program radionics machine that you can actually sync up with your orgone energy devices. Since thought + energy = manifestation. It actually helps you use your mind to sync up orgone devices with it.

It has alot of features and is a very complicated program. I thinkl the website where you can find it at is dodwn so if you want a copy you'll have to search the internet for cybershaman or cybershaman 8 and probably find a link on a dead forum somewhere.

When I used radionics I used the top secret radionics machine. But my soulpath didn't support the use of radionics and I destroyed the machine.

But as far as things go. Cybershaman is a radionics machine just like one you physically build so it should work just fine. And its use would be enhanced with any orgone device. And the effects are still porportional to how hard you focus your thoughts towards a given goal.

Last edited by INFINITE LIGHT; 09/27/08 09:42 PM.