I like your website! Thanks for the link.

A little synchronicity with this thread--not long after the first post, I received an ad from Marci Shimoff stating that happy people tend to earn a LOT more money than unhappy people; then I opened a magazine while waiting in the checkout line, and there was another article quoting research that unhappy people are generally less healthy.

So my hope for all here who are depressed is that you find your own happiness, so that you can be not only healthy, but wealthy too!

Just one more suggestion to add to the mix--maybe you can give the Happy For No Reason cd (and now an entire course, too) a chance. Add some work with your radiant circuits (google Donna Eden for some of her books and cds on how to do that), consider working with Spring Forest QiGong, and finally, maybe you can check for food allergies as sometimes these are the culprits.