Its been eating me up to reply for the last week so here I go.
I was in the same situation as most of you regarding loneliness.I made a complete 180 degree turn around,my natural temperament I was born with even changed. I am going to break it down what did to come out.
1.I made the decision I was going to change nomatter what
nomatter how long it would take.
2.I detached myself from almost everything and everybody that
was holding me back.(basically I got rid all the negative
3.Took responsibility for my life.
4.Quit looking back on the past and focused on where I wanted
to go.
5.I took personality and assessment tests honestly and found my
weak areas I needed work on,then I mindmapped these areas gave
them a bar graph ranged them from 1 to 10.After I rated
myself I made goals to increase my weakest areas little by
6.Then I concentrated on one breakthrough goal or area of my life
everything fell in place,For Ex. I would get the urge to go to
book store then BAM!!! a book would jump out at me. Ex. I would
be watching T.V. then BAM!!! something the Commercial or Actor
would do or say would jump out at me. Ex. I would be in the
store or working then BAM!!! some unknown person I never met
would start talking to me about my issue then teach me
something I needed. Ex.I would be sound asleep then BAM!!! I
would wake up wide awake to a Preacher on T.V. giving me a
exact message I needed. I stopped looking for divine
inspiration to come from a certain area or place,because
it comes from everywhere at anytime for me.
7.Now I am running on Autopilot like I have a GPS system I just
let it lead the way and drive car. Speaking of GPS me and my wife
where coming back from Vacation all of a sudden your GPS
started taking use on backroads on the way home,I thought it
was misleading use so I minamized the map so I could see the
big picture,I noticed it was leading us around altanta instead
through Altanta, I was wondering why then on the radio they
were talking about a big wreck that had all the lanes blocked
off,so the GPS changed paths to avoid the back-up traffic.
8.My GPS in my head did this extact same thing plenty of times,
we all have one build in I pretty sure you think back I tell
me a story where you avoided a disaster by listening to your
gut or where you did something unexpected in ended up in the
right place at the right time.