Originally Posted By: Shawn_Grim

If you're in Australia, like Alex - you send a kangaroo after them (just kidding)

Much Love, Shawn

Ahem, That actually works. Although teenagers substituted the kangaroos. My brother and I had a wandering spirit in our house. We were both individually aware of the presence. We one day we compared notes and confirmed we were aware of the same spirit. Guy with a small white dog and we both chatted with him. We never worried about it because we learned it wasn't the house the spirit was interested in it was the area, the land, to the spirit it was still bush and "he" loved the peace and tranquillity of the area.

My brother took over the house I moved out and in moved the teenagers he inherited when he married. The spirit moved out. Sister in law found he moved in with one of the neighbours. \:\)
