I'm sorry to point this out, but the very topic that you're posting in was someone posting their experiences.

I told you about my first experience, the dictionary game. I told you of an experience photoreading my first fiction novel, and the conversation I had with my teacher shortly afterward (a skeptic of what I was able to do.)

I remember CPW1, (I think that was his username, I could be wrong) posting an experience of which he used the information he got after only photoreading and incubating.

Alex is constantly posting things she has done with photoreading, look at the last topic she started (not just posted in, but STARTED) on this forum and you'll see an experience.

Furthermore, YOU'RE experiences will do more for you than ours will.
Now, without further ado, go enhance your photoreading skills now. Do not wait for someone to give you the motivation to get started, it must come from within.
