Brain -- Spring Forest Qigong!

During that week before I filmed the different programs I practiced Spring Forest Qigong for hours, PhotoRead and activated dozens of books, and listened to the Memory Supercharger over and over. I did that to make sure I was firing on all eight.

I've written about it several times in the PhotoReading forum, and it is on one of the special features on the PhotoReading DVDs. Mostly on the shows I simply described whatever popped into my head at the time I heard the question--usually pictures.

Play with it. PhotoRead a book and ask a friend to ask you questions. Describe what pops into your head--don't edit our censor your comments. Then have your friend give you the answer. Then explore how what you said fit with the answer. You'll soon find you'll be able to calibrate and interpret your answers in a way that fits the question. Play with Image Streaming from the Genius Code course.
