1) you are PRing right? if so, Let me tell u something, Paul scheele actually state that you don't need to be in ALS during the PR step, all you need is photofocus and you are doing it correctly, it is prove by the EEG that you don't need to be in ALS to PR, doesn't matter if you are tense or not, as long as you are still in photofocus. NB, do u think there are something you are worrying that make you tense?

2)I also have this feeling when I SR and DIP, I just do it and trust myself that I will be better at this step one day without thinking to much about right or wrong. SO believe in yourself is most important and you will get better. if u think you dip a lot (like normal reading, I always overdip as well), then think this way, your brain are telling u to dip to those extra information so you don't have to go back later and dip again :-).

Sorry for my poor english as well, hope you understand @.@!!.