I agree with the comment of the multi-pronged approach.

I do not have SFQ, but own almost all Paraliminals, PR, Sonic, etc.

In my view not all techniques, no matter how good, give instant success, as the cause of the illness is probably treated better with other modalities in order to start improving.

I fully suscribe to the balanced lifestyle suggestion. On the other side, when I had problems of emotional nature, I took L-theanine, a natural product from green tea. It did help. Now I have found the schizandra, a Chinese herb, has helped me more. For emotional problems, I suggest to abstain completely from alcohol, which is a mood-enhancer drink.

Over 30 years ago when I got into natural therapies, I learnt that self-empowerment is essential. In simple terms, you need to learn how to heal yourself. The doctor, therapist, etc is no more than an advisor. He/she may succeed in helping you, but this may not be the case. You need to start learning a bit from books, the web, etc what to do to recover your health and keep improving it. If you are stuck with one technique, look for another one to get you moving again. If SFQ is too gentle, you may consider using one of the emotional free techniques to get you over the hump!

Good luck!