I appreciate the stories some of you shared about your experience using SFQ to deal with anxiety and depression. These are encouraging.
When I do small universe I don't feel anything happening. I have a hard time visualizing the energy moving. Do some of you reach a point where you can feel something beneficial when you do small universe?

"What has worked for me in addition to regular SSFQ is exercise. Yes, exercise. For most people that is out of the question...."
I love exercise and do it regularly, but it doesn't seem to have a big impact on the anxiety and depression.

"I would like to echo the idea about serving others. This is also big. Forget yourself and help others who need assistance. I know that our ego plays a role in our depression and anxiety. We become fixated on ourselves too much. Try to reach out to others..."
Like exercise, service is commonly recommended as an antidote to depression, and it's something I do. I spend about 20 hours in an average week doing heartfelt volunteer work for a family struggling with cancer. It has been frustrating at times to read and re-read much of the standard advice for getting out of depression. I want to say, well that's good advice and it's a good way to live, but for me it doesn't change the anxiety/depression.
I appreciate you sharing that in any case. It's good to know that some people experience these things as helpful for anxiety/depression.