Greetings, all.

I have a couple of questions.

1) A friend of mine has been told by a doctor that the latter gets a lot of Indian and Japanese patients with arthritis in the knees caused by bending them sideways while sitting cross-legged. Is there anyone who has experience of developing (or not developing) arthritis in the knees after many years of Lotus position?

2) I suffer from a rare condition sometimes known as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (or EHS), whereby spending time near computers or other intense EM sources can give me headaches or even migraines (in a way other people don't). Since I started Chi Gung, I've been noticing a clearer sensation of pressure around my third eye, which actually increases sometimes when I practice.

This same sensation now arises when my EHS is triggered, so I speculate that I have become more sensitive and therefore am sensing tension and/or a build-up of energy in that part of my head, and that this is how EHS works.

(if it's at all relevant, I only developed EHS after having brain surgery for sinusitis when I was 14 - I am 21 now)

Does anyone have any thoughts?