Thx Youngprer. Never seen it that way, but this arises a couple of questions. One is about purpose, and the other one is about post viewing.
So, first of all you said that incubation isnt really that necessary, which means that your brain processes all the information right away and organizes it to have it available right as you go. Secondly, the thing about previewing is that it lets you modify and adjust your purpose, so does postview, the latter also give me time for mind probing, formulation of questions and so forth. So, how can a book be really that well understood to answer questions if you take like fifteen minutes to consciously activate it without any previews knowledge of what the book is about. So whatīs the importance of incubation after all? I know purpose is escential, so it means u have to have a good and really well formulated purpose cause thatīs whatīs going to be till the end, no time to change...