Day 66!

I've been practicing Spring Forest Qigong almost daily for 10 years. Committing to the 100 Days of doing the Sun Meditation first thing in the morning has been quite interesting, and I'm really glad I am doing it.

While I would often do a meditation upon awaking in the past, it was easy to talk myself out of it. I'd sleep in a little longer or I'd start thinking about a project at work and I'll jump right to the computer or I'll end up in the gardens. But since I made the commitment, every morning I simply did the hour Sun Meditation right away.

Two times I really didn't have time, so I had to delay it to later in the day.

And about six times I reduced it to 30 minutes, because of a full schedule. One time I reduced it to 30 minutes, because I simply couldn't concentrate.

Besides being able to automatically practice ever day, I've noticed a few interesting things.

First, my intuition improved markedly. Since the meditation is to help open the third eye, this would have been expected.

Second, I found myself with more energy during the day and evening. Now, I also switched the supplements I take, so that could have had something to do with it, but it was noticeable.

Third, seeing auras have improved significantly. At a concert I attended a couple of weeks ago, a back-up singer did a duet with the main performer, and I could see their auras perfectly (I was awfully close in the audience, too). They were absolutely beautiful. The back-up's aura was not as open and bright as the main performer, which I supposed would have been expected. But, every time the back-up performer would sing his part of the duet, the size of his aura increase by a foot to two feet. He simply glowed! The expansion came in a beautiful purple color. And when he finished his part and closed his mouth, his aura immediately reduced to where it had been, but a half of beat before he would sing, it would light up again. Very cool.

Fourth, during the second 30 minutes of the meditation when I let the energy go in circles in my lower dantian, I often ask a question, and immediate insights flow into my mind. It doesn't matter the topic, information just flows...and very clearly.

I noticed other things, but those have been the biggies. I'll continued through my 100 days, and I encourage you to do a meditation every day for 100 days. Download the chart and get started!!

(By the way, if you do not know the Sun Meditation, we'll have a CD for you later in January.)
