Power Thinking, eh? I might have a look at it. I'm going to order a few of the new Paraliminals in the next week or two. I haven't heard one with Holosync on it before, so it should be interesting.

You wrote: See? Sometimes that fancy-schmancy ad writing doesn't work at all.

No, because it's not a very good sales letter. In fact it's not very good at all! You can't read the handwritten sub-heads easily, which is a huge mistake, and the hard-sell is blatant, which is the point I was making in my original post on this thread. Add to that the price. I mean, come on! That is excessive. I'll bet they get a few returns on it, unless it works really, really, really well. I mean, I'm talking an instantaneous manifestation of something akin to a miracle of Biblical proportions! And then there's the newsletter. Hmm... well, if the system is perfect, then why do you need newsletters?

You've got me ranting again - your fault!

I take it you looked on Amazon, then. I just noticed a review of 'The Secret' by a longhorn24 - spot on!

You wrote: unlike some, I have NO problems with someone being a success

'Some' meaning Inchiki Gaijin? I have no problem with people being successful if they deserve it. I do have a problem with people piggy-backing off others' efforts though, and I seek to expose them. I also don't like trashy products, which is why I could never write a book like Joe Vitale.

I wonder what they'll use as an angle for 'The Secret 2' considering they were supposed to have given away 'The Secret' in 'The Secret'. I know, maybe they'll all claim to be current incarnations of various religious icons.

Bob: Me wanna be Jesus! Me wanna be Jesus!
John: Oh, Bob, don't start all that again. We agreed that Joe was going to be Jesus.
Bob: So who can I be then?
John: Well, Mary Magdalene hasn't been taken yet, but then again, maybe not everyone has read 'The Da Vinci Code' and don't realise that she wasn't a hooker, but was actually a very nice lady from Venus...
Bob: Oh, enough already with that planet cra....

It would be funny if it were not so sad: Wayne Dyer is claiming to be the present incarnation of St Francis of Assisi!!!

You wrote: it takes a lot of verbal charm to pull it off in a way that won't turn the readers off so completely that there won't be a single favorable review

I am charming! I am! I am! And funny too. Can't you tell?

And anyway, if I don't like the reviews I'll just Joe them and get my marketing team to sign up and post multiple 5-star ones.

It ain't what you write, it's how you market it!