Actually, I'm going to test drive the basic edition of Effortless Success. Someone had it up for auction on eBay, and I was the only bidder--won it for about 1/3 the regular price, which seemed reasonable for a tryout. If I like it, I might go for one of the other editions.

Inchiki Gaijin, some of your comments reminded me of some satire pages I had set up at one time, oh, about 5 or 6 years ago. I had mimicked the style of some of those letters (and/or web pages) that go on and on implying, but not quite promising, etc. My "product" guaranteed literally untold millions instantaneously, with absolutely no effort whatsoever. I used the words "lost" and "secret" and "ancient" several times for effect, and then set up a link to the next satire page which explained the "program." Basically, it was--do nothing. Don't buy product xyz at $1200, ka-ching, you're $1200 ahead; don't buy the next one at $5000, and so on.

The kicker, though, was that I actually did get some emails (I think about 5 or 6) from some lost souls wanting to buy it. Had the hardest time explaining there was nothing to buy, and by the way, they just save a few more bucks, so now they're richer than ever!
