I agree with Shakurav in that if your friend particpates in SFQ that would be best. I started SFQ with the group telephone sessions. I felt such peace and joy from the very first call that I was willing to go ahead and order the program. I had been concidering doing so for a while, but the energy I felt during the call let me feel confident to get going with my own practise.
As for my healings... I can't say that it was from the 2 months of group healing phone calls, or that I have started participating at home on a daily basis. I have a feeling that the phone sessions acclerated energy blockages opening up. The most noticable improvement I have experienced is a near 90% dissapearance of the ringing in my ears that I have had for over 6 years. My joint pain in my fingers is nearly gone. I don't have big health issues that I'm aware of, but I can say after a little over 2 months of doing SFQ daily, many small aches and pains are certainly better if not totally gone. My mood is more positive also.I can feel the energy moving during the active meditations and SU, but I haven't been able to quiet my mind well enough yet to really find the quietness and stillness of the universe.... I look forward to the continued benefits lay ahead with continuing my SFQ lifestyle.
I also hope this helps your friend.
Growing Peace