A great exercise that you might like to try if you like the "Borrowed Genius" technique is the following:

1) Pick a subject area that you have already PhotoRead and understood on a deep level. For example, a particular area in Physics, or even Physics itself. You MUST have already answered a lot of your questions about the subject before going onto Step 2.

2) PERSONIFY the subject area. What kind of "character" would you give this subject area? What kind of "person" would it be mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, linguistically? etc. What would he or she look like? You get the picture.

3) Use the "Borrowed Genius" technique and/or the "Advanced Civilization Tool Builder" technique WITH THE PERSONIFIED SUBJECT AREA.

This will be an opportunity for you to really advance and discover something new in that area by "having a conversation" with the subject area itself and/or identifying yourself AS the subject.

Fantastic, no? Crazy, no? Crazy but fantastic, yes? ;P

Happy New Year people!


Last edited by Deniz; 12/31/08 04:31 PM.