So there! ;\)

Sorry, couldn't help it!

No, that makes sense. As long as we can write whatever we want, and it helps us, perhaps we should write it.

And I am glad you wrote it, and thank you for doing so (and your clarification) so that I could add my caveat (and clarification) , which also helps me and who knows, just as YOUR suggestion might help someone, mine might also help someone else who taking such an herb (which though natural contains potent chemicals that can also do harm in some cases) might harm, and reading my caution might think twice and not do it.

So they are yin and yang. And as you say, as long as Shawn allows us the freedom, we can do this back and forth as we feel like (with the intention to help of course).

I just think (for what it's worth, and of course you and others are welcome to disagree with me, as I think you will), that such advice is better kept private as a PM, rather than global message where it might do harm. I think makemerry's question, which is about SFQ, might be better kept to SFQ. There is not "bad" here. There is just "good, better, best" and I may indeed be wrong as to what is better.

It just feels to me that if something helped you and might help someone else, there is less potential harm to keeping it private, rather than making it global.

There are two moderators operating here: the one assigned and ourselves. Just because we CAN say something without censor, does not mean that it is the best thing to do.

Again, I could be wrong, but it is worth at least this little exchange we have had to help people better, as you say, decide for themselves. I vote and encourage people to definitely take charge of their own health, and do so with caution, in the sense of "this worked for me, but YMMV".

Meanwhile, without any moderator assistance, and to try and bring this back on topic:
makemerry, how is your SFQ practice helping you in general? Based on gallen's wisdom and observations, are you feeling better in ANY area of your life?

Is there anyone else out there besides we who have chimed in here, who have been helped using SFQ in their depression or related yin/yang imbalances?

I know that in addition to my anxiety issues, I also sometimes suffer from at least acute depression and once was on depression medication. I also know that when I do extra SFQ (say instead of doing my usual hour, I do two), I often feel a significant change similar to what happened when I was on Paxil (in terms of feeling better) but without the side effects.

Again, I make the same caution here: YMMV, and in general, it is good to at least consult your doctor before changing dosages or weaning off of medication (some medications really need the weaning and even if it you do need to lower or eliminate, the doctor can help).

I still sometimes get low-grade depression that can (if I let it) impair my work and relationships. On those days, I often take a "sick" day of extra SFQ (sometimes even more than 3 or 4 hours) and 9 times out of ten, it works.

So, I am wondering if anyone else has had that experience with SFQ itself.

