All good points, gallen and well taken. I thank you for all of the above.

And in regards to uniquesoul's points about MD's etc, I too, have some healthy (pun intended) skepticism when it comes to mainstream Western allopathic medicine. I also know that many people swear by it. I just like to err on the side of caution when in public.

Still, sometimes my potential error may be worse than just going for it and sharing whatever works for me with whomever might benefit.

I like gallen's take on this though: even IF we integrate herbs or whatever, it sounds helpful to bring that into the SFQ practice using yin/yang water (to make herbal tea, as per gallen's example above), and for those who use the Level III "message water" practice, to put a "message" (or "information" as it is also called in other qigong schools and texts) in it. Thereby making even more effective and (as in homeopathy, or Bach Flower medicine schools) possibly even mitigating any potential side effects or whatever.

Since everything is energy, even herbs (and other forms of medicine, as well), by sending a message in conjunction with the medicine, it seems to me (and I had not really thought of this before gallen's post above, which is why I really love this forum: I learn so much here!), you can help make the medicine (no matter the source) MORE effective with less side effects.

A very cool idea!

So, again thanks to gallen and also uniquesoul for providing their perspectives in an important and interesting discussion.

