I believe it is your defeatist attitude that is preventing you from success. I know it is difficult and seems impossible. Personally I have suffered for more than twenty years from depression and anxiety and panic attacks. I no longer have them.

You speak about placebo, which is a criticism that I have heard a lot when someone isn't up for looking deeper into Qigong or TCM. How would you explain successful acupuncture on animals? Do the animals think " Hey, these needles are working!" or Qigong on plants?

Until you get SICK of being SICK and TIRED you will NEVER get better. Never. Unless you are fully sick of it. Life will get worse for you until the day you die.

You are not unique or special in your depression. MILLIONS of people are in that boat. Things DO work. Taking action with the proper attitude makes the change when someone truly wants to change.

Some might think I am being too harsh maybe. If I had never experienced deep depression I would agree. There were YEARS I was suicidal. So everyone, please spare me the reprimand.

Qigong, or any other worthy modality will work if you continue, It might take longer than some or less then some.

Focus on unconditional love as you practice the movements. Inhale forgiveness and compassion and exhale sadness, anger and any other negative emotion. Use your imagination to see the extra energy disperse in any form the you like. Butterflies or smoke like Master Lin teaches.

Without desire there is tranquility. And in this way all things would be at peace. -Lao Tzu