Shawn, thanks for your post. I liked the guidance on how to view a post. Helped me as a post/er!

You can't have or not have faith when you are holding a focus, or experiencing emptiness. You have to come away from a focus, or out of emptiness to realize faith or not having faith. Same for pain. When we are doing qigong and accomplish a focus, or, reach emptiness, we are in the 'best state' relative to self healing, regeneration, or transformation. Stick with one hour if it works better for you. Focus on the quality of the time you spend.

Consider doing a retreat. Self designed, at home, or attending one. It is a concentrated time set aside to do qigong, not a seemingly long commitment to two hrs a day. You can experience a more intensive practice for a short time period. Fasting can be part of that, or partial, or just healthy food, less food..
My most transformative times have been in retreat.

Listening casually to some of mantra CD's is easy to add in.
You don't have to be Buddhist to benefit. They help purify spirit, connect to the heart. Just as background music or falling asleep to...
Focused time in a healing or transformative focus, is other than the experience of depression. That time spent doesn't support depression.
I hope you continue with your SFQ practice, and I wish you the best with it.