hi, i purchased the title above and have a couple of questions

1) i listen to the tape at night...is this ok or would the effects have worn off by the next day?

2) is it absolutely necessary to have a role model or would the program be just as effective otherwise?

3)even if i do have a role model in mind, i have problems defining what exactly is it that makes him or her attractive.would the program be effective if i just thought of the person whom i'd like to emulate without woorrying too much about his or her attributes?

4) besides listening to the program at night, i also play it in the background throughout the day...(might work subliminally) is this ok?

5) is this program available on cd?

6)are there any testimonials to the effectiveness of this program, i keep seeing the same two testimonials on the website and its been there for a long time....

apologise for the many questions and looking forward to your reply
