Thanks to all that replied \:\) I have quit my job to look after my mother full time. This should work better...I will have more time to do SFQ healin session on her and allso do more SFQ practice myself. I should be able to do 2 hours or more a day.

I will have a look at the fung shui of my house over the next few weeks, as I know that can be improved.I have done many methods of letting go of the I will have another look at them and see if mum can do some letting there will be heaps of emotions for her to let go of from the past. I will probably won't be able to buy any new methods of letting go as I will have to save my money now.

Yeah I think it will be a good Idea to bring in another healer in to help mum. We have tried mny healers in the past so I will have to keep looking for a good healer in the local area. Also I need one to come to our place as mum can't travel to them...but i will put it out to the universe and see what comes up.

I have talked to mum about a phone session to master lin. She wants to try but is very worried about the cost (calling America from Australia).

I will see in the next month if mum's condition improves due to the fact that I can practice SFQ more. Keeping my ears and eyes out for a healer to assist her situation to plus the other things I mentioned I will try to implement too.

Also I have noticed a slight improvenment in my Dog Chief. He normally gets on average every 2 weeks a really pain full headache. His skin under his eyes droops and you can tell he's been in pain. The vet said he gets bad headaches because of his (blind) eye. The tendons have come away from his eye and his eye floats in the socket in addition to it being blind. The vet wants to take out his eye.

He hasn't had a headache for atleast 5 weeks now. His eye from my point of view, doesn't seem to be floating anymore, and the cateract( whiteness on his pupil now comes and goes)it's not there all the time???

In one healing session on him I felt massive heat comeing from his crown area down to inbetween his eyes. I did SFQ healing on him to remove the heat...and to my surpise it went and I can now only feel it a tiny bit. So maybe it has worked on him to soem degree...hopeso.

Anyway I will keep doing SFQ, keeping my faith that healing will come to my mum and dog!!

