Where our thoughts go our lives follow.
That pretty much sums it up.
If you think you can't do something, or have never been able to do something before, then you've set yourself up to "not do it."
Ahhh... the possibilities of positive thinking!

I find more and more that what I'm thinking about will come to pass. In short order, no less. I work daily on keeping my thoughts on what I want, and not on what I don't want. Which is difficult (there - see?!!) but I am getting better at it. My up times are much longer than my down times.

Just an aside, I don't care at all for hypnosis tapes; I'm never quite sure about what is in the background. I do like and use the LSC tapes - very useful, and I do see results. Also combined with Silva methods.

And I think it's absolutely true that we have been hypnotized all our lives. How else would a unified society function?? But that's for another thread.

Well back to work ~ holidays are over and it's inventory time!!

*A* fellow traveler