'Simply remain present as you are. Fully accept what occurs as it occurs, just as it is presently occurring. Totally let go into your own being. Be fully centered in the now-presence of your own being, prior to what is occurring and just let it occur. It's all occurring in your presence. It's occurring through you, or from you as an expression of you, but not you as an 'individual' , rather you as the One Self'. Ramana Maharshi

We all seek and strive but it seems that to get to where we think we are going, we must stop chasing after happiness and peace and avoiding pain and simply accept what comes without desire or fear, give up all control and responsibility to Universal Energy, God, Source or whatever you believe is the Mover. If we do not resist then we find we are living in the present moment without being attached to anything.

' Are we not wasps who spend all day in a fruitless attempt to traverse a window-pane, while the other half of the window is wide open?' Wei Wu Wei