I have been doing Sword Finger healing on a subject who does not want to sit in front of me. So I am doing the healing with intension and going through the motions just as if he was in the chair in front of me. I have not been doing any blockage detection because I haven't thought I was able to feel any energy other than energy coming out of my palm. Today I am realizing that the changes in temperature in my fingers is more than I have been acknowledging. My fingers aren't "just" getting cold, nor are they "just" feeling warm for no reason! \:\) It occurred to me that since I don't know where the blockages are, I just do all the major organs. If there is no blockage, perhaps that is when my fingers are either cold or just the normal temp. That if there is a blockage I'm trying to pull out, I can feel the warmth flow in between the space of my gathered fingers. Sometimes I could feel that the warmth no longer flowed into that space. So I assume that the blockage has been removed and I can move on in the healing process. Sometimes I can not pull out the blockage-there is always heat flowing into that space. So I guess my questions are: How long do I keep pulling? Is it because I need to spend more time breaking up the blockage with SF? Should I do more SF right then and after that do more pulling? Do I visualize the associated organ color when I do both SF and give energy or just when I give energy? If I am SF an area that has no blockage what affect does it have to that area?
I think that is all my questions! What a great feeling it was today when I opened myself up to allowing myself to interpert the "information" that has been there for quite awhile. It just wasn't in the form I was looking for! (Yes another way to cook a potato!! )
Thank you for any guidance,
Growing Peace