Many thanks gallen!
As I finished posting my questions I could see that if I am not practising the blockage detection how will I ever know whether or not I can sense it? I could see I was setting up my own road block! I have since let my self experience that process twice. I tried to remain as you suggested (still hard for me to not be in my head being critial). I feel very positive about the experiences and look forward to developing that awareness sensitivity.
Something that you have mentioned several times is "to take your time". I know that is an area I need to work on, being present, in the moment. For so many aspects in my life I can feel a need to rush to get to completion. Whether it's a road trip, doing something I don't like doing or even things I do enjoy doing let alone doing a healing or meditation. Where ever that feeling of needing to rush comes from, it will be benefical for me to work on staying in the moment whether it is doing SFQ or those other things in my life. I am happy to work on my focus of being in the moment. Thank you for interjecting that again.
I am pleased with my SFQ journey! I do feel that I am much more of a healer than I was 2 months ago. I see the journey as one that will continue to open up in front of me, and I look forward to all that continues to be around the next bend!!
Thank you again for your guidance and encouragement gallen. I appreciate and value your time and constant input into this forum.

Growing Peace