Yes, qigong would help you with your health. I wouldn't define qigong as new age. Spring Forest is a blend of spiritual and medical qigong. In the East, medical qigong is considered medical, as opposed to some alternative to medical. It is more from a Western perspective that someone would define medical qigong as non medical. The focus in medical qigong is the health of the physical body(as well as one's spirit:medical/spiritual), and the theories stem from TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine.
From TCM wisdom we know that blockages/illness's primarily stem from emotional source(not all), and manifest as blockages or illness, first, within the primary five organs/organ systems(five element theory). In five element theory, one can see that the liver and gall bladder are closely related to each other, and both part of the liver system. Again, SFQ, a medical qigong, directly focuses on clearing any blockages within these organs/organ systems. Medical qigong is very direct and effective in working with any physical illness or injury. It is best as a preventative practice, and also effective when you are ill, working to clear an illness, mild or serious.
The success of medical qigong pretaining to you, is relative to where you are at concerning your blockages, and your practice. You may self heal, you may work with both qigong and a western physician. You can eventually rely on your qigong practice to keep you healthy and prevent illness going forward.
Relative to the specifics of your current state, having been diagnosed with liver system blockages, you can immediately start to effect that by opening up your SFQ material and getting things going. You can effect the whole of how this will work out for you, surgery or not. If I could wave a magic wand and have something happen for you right now, it would be to have you realize that you will be okay, start your practice, and focus on letting go of any anxiety or anger that has come with the past three years. Perhaps anxiety over having these conditions and putting things off, or anger at your body for being ill. It is known that these particular negative emotions are not good for the liver system. As soon as you engage with SFQ, you will be doing other than this thinking or worrying, if that is the case, and that will place you in a state of starting to clear these blockages, or support healing going forward in however that takes shape. You will come to a point of feeling self empowered, whether you are working with a physician , or not. You can orchestrate your healing, and what it requires, and bring that all into the context of your qigong practice.
Pick up your SFQ material and begin to take action. Calm your spirit, know that you will come through this. Begin to focus on healing. Positive, productive thought to manifest healing. Be proactive on your own behalf.