Greetings to those who read me! Thank you for your time and curiosity!

I have pulled out my Sedona Method (rather than use the mini-version supplied in ES). I spent an hour releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs while listening to my Holosync. The first session was interesting as I lots of visual flashes and distant memories surfaced.

I didn't actually feel any different (post session) and I would have said I didn't have any wins. However when I actually encountered my mother I was far calmer, able to be kind, genuine and supportive (showing interest in her activities). That really did feel like a win, as in the last three weeks I have been tied in knots of negative emotions.

I did another hour of Sedona releasing simultaneously with Holosync today and was fascinated to find that each time I released an emotion or limiting belief, I immediately felt a body sensation, which I subsequently released too. Today I did feel better and, despite a major confrontation upon meeting my mother, I felt I dealt with it much less intensely than I would have previously. The confrontation came about due to her deciding to go for me, so it was inevitable. However I reckon this releasing will really change how I present myself and how I deal with things. If I change, then the 'target' changes too, and I am hopeful that I can get our previously great relationship back on an even keel.

My aim is to spend an hour per day now on releasing anything and everything. I can use my Holosync time to lose limitations, deal with negative stuff, and now I am happy to have an opportunity to ameliorate what appeared to be an intractable problem. It will be fascinating to see where this gentle process leads me.

The body sensations were most interesting. A touch on my collarbone, a tense feeling in my abdomen, a restriction around my lower belly as if I were wearing a corset, an ache in my heel..... each disappeared upon releasing. However it brings my focus back to my developing awareness that my real Self is non-verbal, visual yes, and now perceptual, but silent. I liked this.

Any feedback or thoughts, anyone?
Happy ES,
French Claire (again - hope I'm not broing you all!)