Hi Margaret Ida,

It is great to connect with someone who is actually doing ES. I sometimes wonder if this is all a giant advertising hoax and few beyond myself have bought it! [Though I can thoroughly and absolutely recommend it.]

I haven't noticed any lack of mention of right eye because I haven't listened carefully enough. I can empathise with the empty, missing feeling. When this happens to me, I believe I am not in harmony with my True Self (Pure Self). I ask my True Self to step in, and this works sometimes. In otherwords, the 'missing' element is my True Self which can (very often) get drowned out by my over-active other selves.
Your message has prompted me to review the Creating your Day meditation - supposed to be a daily discipline, but I am currently focusing on other elements of the course. It isn't time yet for me as I have to clean out my dark and sunless closets.
By the way, I don't really respond well to the idea of bringing in white light. Something about that irritates me. I want to choose myself what kind of light to bring in. Why white? I don't want colours prescribed by anybody - who says they even have knowledge of light, colour spectrums, the qualities of light. Sometimes I want gold, or sparking silver, or gentle, healing (for me) pink, or yellow light. I find white light uninspiring to visualise.
Enjoy, enjoy,
French Claire