Hey, i just started using this cd and was reading on the forum to get more tips about it. I fortunately have had quite a few lucid dream experiences (obviously before i started using the CD) A lucid dream by definition is any dream where you are aware that you are dreaming and not awake while in the dream state. It doesnt always mean you can control it however. The first couple times i had lucid dreams, i got so excited i ended up waking up. Then a few i was able to do fun things like fly drive exotic cars and the such. For some reason though i can only fly for so long and then i cant anymore in my dreams!! Maybe some sort of subconscious block i have? There is a movie called "Waking Life" that talks about lucid dreams and ways to consciously program yourself to realize you are dreaming. They work pretty good, The B side of this cd is supposed to do the same but i have only used the A side (with good results) so far.