Dear Margaret Ida,
I didn't reply until now because I needed time to absorb your comments re my mother. You are absolutely right. 100% correct. Until a few days ago I viewed my mother as she was (alert, a mother, dynamic, intelligent, determined, someone I totally admired).

When I started releasing (via Sedona method), I felt overcome by waves of sadness. I started to understand that what I was feeling was GRIEF. Grief, why grief? Thanks to more releasing and to a significant extent due to your message, I have finally understood that I have actually lost my mother. The person that was simply no longer exists. Only people very close to her can sense the difference in her - others perceive her as unchanged - I however, know and now accept that that person has departed.

For me, the good news is I can now begin to relate to her as a new and different person. Suddenly those traits that irritated the hell out of me (vagueness, falling asleep while I talk to her, living in the moment)feel OK as I relate to a different person (the one she has become). I find new levels of patience and a new ability to communicate.

Share this with your sister. I can tell you that this has been a fiercely painful path. I wholly understand how physically and mentally painful RESISTANCE can be. It hurts like hell. I am grateful to you and to the Sedona Method for assisting me in letting go that which I no longer have anyway. I made room for someone new and that feels more like what I can handle.
Warmest greetings,
Frernch Claire