I had to go and release a lot after receiving that stream of negative talk, maybe I'll need a session of Prosperity as well. You sound as an unsuccessful trader, maybe someone bankrupted as a consequence of trading. I still don't know everything you are talking about the futures market, but that's something I'm still going through.

Sleep did not come easy to me last night because I felt guilty for not commenting on something that I am very familiar with, and that my friend is the commodity market, trading futures.
DON'T DO IT! You and a lot of other people are not ready to trade. Let me give it to you straight, you will lose money. That is the truth. You don't need that in your life right now until you are at peace with yourself.

That's a little something that makes me think you didn't read my full journal. I'm not trading right now, I'm paper trading and expect to be paper trading during a full year. I know that I'm not ready, my journal and the Ideal Mindset course are intended to get the necessary mindset to face the market. The key here that you seem to miss is that I'm working to get the mindset that will enable me to be a successful trader. And if you read my journal, you'd know that I do know that traders lose money.

I lose money, all commodity guru's lose money, everyone that has ever traded the Markets lose money.

Risk Management. I have mentioned it many times. That's the plan and part of my planned ideal mindset.

So what make's a successful trader you may ask? You must have a good plan that works for you. You must have a certain mindset before you call your broker and everyday after that you are in the market.You must keep your emotions in check, and you must have more winning trade's than losing trade's. I'm sure other trader's can add to the list but that will do for now.

I don't ask that, I already know it. That's the whole point of my journal, and you should have noticed it if you would have read it closer.

Well, your post is rather long and I'm not in the mood to respond to each comment. I could gather that you didn't read the whole journal and thus you're worrying in vain. Since you seem to have such negativity in yourself, I wonder what kind of mental and emotional preparation if any you got before trading the markets. Obviously, you don't have a positive expectation even now and that could end up in a dead end circle of negative self-fulfilling prophesies. I'm sorry if you're not that way, but that's my impression.

Before commenting again on any of this, I suggest that you go back and read my entire journal. You'll get a better picture of the situation and my efforts to get an ideal mindset in order to trade the markets. Then you might be in a better position to counsel me.