Good move, Stevers.
I too have worked at coming to terms with what I should actually be doing with the daily disciplines. In the end I transcribed Jack's advice and so have a much clearer idea of what he suggests we do.
I too love how simple things become when one sees things through the lens of successes, alignment in all its forms, experiencing my day in advance and a night time review. It catapults me to the cutting edge of life - so to speak.
Initially I felt overwhelmed as my time is so short - I already get up at 5 a.m. and I Holosync, so don't want to add hours and hours to my program.
I think the essential thing is to actually do it. Each time I actually do one of these exercises that Jack suggests, I gain huge wins. There is nothing particularly new in the disciplines, nor is it complicated, it is just that up to now I have never graduated on to actually DOING it. The task remained THEORY.
When I started to write my victory log, I became aware of just how much I was manifesting and within a short space of time. Writing a success log made all the difference. Previously I simply didn't notice how much of what I think about comes about. When I started to write it down, I got a whole new perspective on my success - I am successful already, Stevers!
What am I doing regarding daily disciplines?
1) I visualise my perfect day as I drive to work (saving time).
2) In the mornings - or at least once a day - I release (via Sedona Method) anything that is limiting me. I find this changes my perspective on everything and I enjoy it tremendously.
3) My husband and I discuss our day using the Daily Review format. Again this saves time and it brings someone else into it, making it more real.
4) I have bought a lovely book in which to log my successes - but have yet to do it systematically [a confession].
5) Mirror exercise is one of those things I have not attempted. Again it is so simple as a concept that I have just put it off. Reading about your experience of its value, I shall schedule a session asap.
In conclusion, I wholeheartedly agree that ES and its practises have made me feel pro-active and as THE CREATOR rather than a quasi-passenger in my life's affairs.
Looking forward to your continued sharing, Stevers - and others too -
French Claire