Dear Stevers, Margaret Ida and Unique Soul,
I am getting so much out of reading this. Thank you sincerely for your sharing your experiences.

I agree absolutely with the baby steps concept. Problem is I have an inner knowing that this is what I should be doing, so I want to get right in and start doing my disciplines - I WANT CHANGE. I'm ready to change.

I found so many wonderful tools in ES that I don't know what to include and what to leave out. [I would have skipped the face-to-face mirror exercise, but have reviewed this since reading your experience, Stevers.]
I have whittled the array of possible disciplines down to these:
1) Create your ideal day meditation (I took Jack's spoken meditation down, typed it up including alterations that I want (e.g. got rid of that white light ritual and instead plugged into the energy of the universe where I draw down what I need for the day.... energy, courage, a feeling of having more time...)
2) Ensure continuous focus [a visual approach via photos, dreamboard,visual prompt cards as I believe my true self is non-verbal and accepts visions readily. This is just scattered about my house, workspaces.]
3) Lifting those downbeat vibrations - doing this via Sedona Method any time I'm in a down-state, as needed, and for two hour stints at weekends. Finding it extremely effective as I am just blowing away limitations as they arise and this rapidly changes my perceptions of what I want and how to get it. For me, not having any particular feelings equates to total peace. I love that.
4) Attitude of Gratitude - haven't worked on this yet. Just a bit now and again, recognising the good stuff when I notice it, but not a discipline of any kind yet.
5) TAKE ACTION. Now this is the biggie for me. My time is so limited. I know well what I want to do, what I should be doing, but as I am supporting the family alone (husband in education and without income).... I am trying to take some steps, but it is no where near the Five-a-Day quota. Two a week if I can. Come July I will be free of the school hum-drum (not where I want to be at all, but need the money, plus the Dept of Education are determined to keep me so keep throwing out opportunities.)
Basically I realise more than ever through ES, that ACTION must be taken.
6) Acknowledge it is working - use Success Log for this. Quick, easy and it has amazed me how successful I am at manifesting. ES works. I can create things and fast.
7) The Evening Review - a work in progress to slot it in as a discipline - do it when I can but I'm often tired. Great to do on walks with my husband.

Stevers, I like how you whittled it down to four, two a.m. and two p.m. Feels just right to me and do-able. I just love your mapping the day - nice and visual - also easy to get into details without having lists (lists just seem like so much to do before one even starts the day!). With your permission and blessing I would love to adopt that practise.

Like you, Stevers, I am taking time through the day to disconnect from everyone else's issues and reconnect with my goals. I have found the 10 minute supercharger paraliminal quite helpful for this. It feels like a rest and time out just for me AND it is short.

Enjoy today, your ideal day, and may tomorrow be perfect too.
French Claire