French Claire,

It certainly appears to me that you're covering all the bases with the daily disciplines you're doing. In my book that classifies as a massive amount of attr-action. Maybe not the "rule of five" kind of action, but the way I see it, you are laying a very solid foundation for whatever actions naturally come to you to do within the time that you do have to do them. As I first got into the course, my intuition was to make getting all the daily disciplines firmly in place as habit/inclination a top priority. I agree that taking inspired action (and lots of it) is pretty darned important in this Effortless Success game, and yet, for myself, integrating those foundational disciplines stacks the odds in favor of having the taking of action be something that is both enjoyable and truly sustainable. This was something that was definitely lacking in my past attempts to "create the life of my dreams", and I am curious to see how that can be different this time around.

That said, I am also appreciating the value of tinkering with and streamlining the process, not to avoid doing the work but to find ways that work best for me in the shortest amount of time in order to free up more of the day for the kind of actions that can serve to make those dreams come true. But I first made sure to do the long version of each of Jack's recommended daily disciplines (it ended up being about a weeks worth) to get a solid sense of them, before beginning to prune and modify (despite my resistance to some of his approaches and phrasings). I imagine the forms will continue to evolve over time, as I make these practices my own.

The one area I have not been able to access fully (yet) is what you are calling "Ensuring Continuous Focus". I am consistent and verbally affirming my "Super Six" goals (I do EFT while I say and visualize them as having already happened), but I have not made a vision board, book or cards, nor have I had any success with the Clear Vision exercise (which I did today for the first time and felt a tremendous amount of fear and resistance). I have more to say about that, but I think I'll start another thread for that one.

Anyway, one of the things I am appreciating about your entries, French Claire, is that you are most definitely doing the course. Sometimes it isn't clear to me from the entries I read whether people are actually working the material, but with you there is no doubt, and I am grateful to be able to talk about the things that arise as the rubber meets the road. Thank you for playing full out!

And now its time for a little De-constructive Narcissism before I bed down for the night.
