Thanks so much for your great input. My intuition urged me to write here, something I've never done (join forum discussions), and I'm glad I did listen to it. Thanks Stevers, I will do the inner Wisdom meditation and turn to my inner Guidance. You also hit the nail on the head with your reply, I must say.

It's bizarre, because it seems that your answers are answers that I already knew. Do you know what I mean? Whilst reading them, I think "That's right Jacq... you know that you're sabotaging yourself, you know that you've decided to let yourself be overwhelmed...".

I guess I need to let go of old hang-ups and guilt too, Margaret Ida. I feel guilty when I'm not doing anything towards my personal growth, but then I feel bad when I am, thinking I should be tidying up the house, doing the laundry or whatever. One thing I'm sure of though, is that every second I can play and laugh with my 2-year old, is a second well spent. Those are blissful moments.

Thank you.
