Greetings All,

As I've already indicated, I'm big on the importance of asking good questions. In keeping with the overall themes of daily disciplines, overwhelm, self-sabotage, irritation, and the like, I have a question I'd like to put forth for our consideration. It goes something like this, "Of everything I am doing or could be doing, what one daily activity/discipline (that can be done in 10 minutes or less) would go the furthest toward paving my way for effortless success and empowerment in my life?"

This is my way of following up on the idea that we can use the ask-believe-receive model to find (more directly than just trial and error) what works best for us in terms of daily disciplines (or anything else, for that matter), so as to eliminate all the wasted energy that tends to get siphoned off into fear, doubt, overwhelm, and self-sabotage.

As I've said, I'm generally finding my stride with the daily disciplines I'm doing, but with what I'm reading from all of you, and what I still notice going on inside my own skull, it occurs to me that perhaps we are inadvertently making things more complicated than they need to be. I know that I have had the tendency to become entranced by my own ideas/beliefs of how difficult, complicated or effortfull life has to be. Right now I'm curious to challenge those assumptions a bit.

What I have become most interested in, of late, is discovering lynch pins that I can pull out (bringing down whatever house of card of false assumptions is making life difficult for me) and laying down cornerstones (building new forms that make life much more effortless). What I am looking for is a cornerstone daily discipline who presence in my life will make everything else flow all the more easily. I can build from there.

So,in the spirit of the Master Mind Group concept, here's what I propose: That each of us take this question (or our own variation on the same general idea) to meditation and see what shows up. I propose we do this by Wednesday of this coming week and report back by Friday.

I, hereby, commit to doing this myself, and posting whatever I find. Any other takers?
