Hi all! I'm new to this Forum and Forums in general so any etiquette breaches occur from ignorance! Please educate me if needed!

I have read this discussion and found it inspiring and interesting. It has provided me with different perspectives and for that I am grateful.

My comment is meant to share my perspective in hopes that it will add to this discussion. For me, Effortless Success is about being. Effortless Succcess is what I already am.

Does that mean I am completely content with my manifestations? At the moment, no! But it does mean that I have become aware that I have manifested the life I am living--the form, the content. I'm already great at manifesting, and so are we all. The challenge is to manifest consciously rather than unconsciously.

So the opportunity of the Daily Disciplines--Jack's suggestions, or any others, is to provide a way to be conscious of what we are manifesting and create a space for our visions to show up in.

When we learn to "be conscious" the efforting disappears. It sounds to me like all of us in this discussion are "doing" a lot already.

So my perspective on the daily disciplines is that the doing of them itself doesn't make the difference. It is the experience of who we are, our BEING, that occurs while we are conscious in the midst of our doing, where all transformation occurs.

My view of why the mirror exercise is so powerful for our friend is that he is really showing up with himself in that dialog. He is present, he is fully there. He is aware of his awareness in those dialogues and that is making a space for currently unrealized aspects of his being to now show up in his outer experience. His awareness of who he ALREADY is is transforming his experience of his life.

For our friend with children and lots of responsibilities, and not much extra time to take on more daily disciplines, those activities you are already doing can be your daily discipline if you do those things with awareness...the consciousness to bring the qualities of joy, and love, and peace and happiness (or whatever you perceive to be lacking) into those activities. You don't need more doing...your opportunity is to bring more awareness into that which you are already doing.

We think that a different job or a bigger bank account or a new relationship...all the things that we put on our vision board... will make us successful. We have a definition of success and we aren't it right here and right now.

But this is the mind, and believe me, I have one too! When I know that I am successful, right here and right now, and consciously bring into this moment the qualities that I think are lacking in my present circumstance, (which, if I can bring them weren't actually lacking at all, right?) then I will find my circumstances changing.

To sum up, I think the value of Jack's daily disciplines is to give us the opportunity to experience who we already are, and as our experience of our being transforms the content of our lives automatically transforms as well.

Does that make any sense?