OK, so I promised to post all of the positive changes I’ve observed since I started the ES course, about 6 weeks back. Here goes:

I’m more disciplined. That is, I am more consistent with the things I do, and spend more times doing the things that work. My Daily Disciplines are rapidly becoming healthy inclinations. My self-esteem has improved. If I get into a negative emotional state, I don’t stay in it nearly as long and I don’t go as far into it as I used to before I come out of it. I am much more appreciative of others and of myself. I feel much more grateful for my life as it is, and, consequently, I feel much more inclined to make my life even better because my life energy isn’t getting splintered off by the idea that there’s a “problem”.

People seem to be both more responsive to me and more comfortable around me. They appear to want to be around me without, I suspect, really knowing why. Folks are looking to me more for leadership and deferring to me more often (although this feels a bit strange when it involves my boss).

I go through my day with much more of a sense of intention, and yet, I don’t feel like I’m “forcing” as much. I have fewer and shorter periods in my days where I am unsure what to do next, fewer “lapses”. My transitions between activities tent to be fast and complete. I would say I am more purpose-driven without really trying to be. I definitely have a much clearer sense of what my Life-Purpose is and that seems to be informing both my decisions and my behavior. I am outcome oriented, but it doesn’t seem fascist, if you know what I mean.

I am happier. I wake up feeling much better than I did before the start of the course, and I feel excited about the coming day. I am more flexible, more able to change course in the midst of a single activity or sequence of activities. I am more tolerant of others, less controlling. I am clearer about what really matters to me and feel more satisfied with my life and myself. Even as I am aware that there are still things that don’t fit within my life, I no longer feel like a “misfit”. Metaphorically speaking, it’s like the clothes I’m wearing are just fine, but I’m looking forward to wearing that perfectly tailored Armani suit.

I am a better listener. I have less of a need for other people’s attention and am more generous with my own attention. I sleep better at night and need hours less sleep. I am enjoying life more without having changed anything major like my work, my home, etc.

I’m much kinder with myself. I take short rests more often. I breathe more deeply. I’m more proactive. I look more to possibility and less to why something can’t or won’t work. I’m more willing to challenge my own beliefs and less needing to challenge the beliefs of others. I make fewer mistakes and am less hard on myself when I do make mistakes. I am more forgiving. I worry less.

I’m physically healthier. I’ve gained 9 pounds of muscle on what was becoming a dangerously thin body. I’ve made key distinctions in terms of my diet that are really working for me. I’m stronger and have better endurance. My eyesight has improved. I have less pain in my body. I feel more grounded and more comfortable inside my own skin.

I am more aware of my finances. I am much more aware of my goals. I am contributing more to others without looking to be of service; it’s coming as a natural extension of my healthier relationship with myself.

I’m both more efficient and more effective at work. I’m better organized. My days go much smoother and they feel both fuller (in a “not too much” way) and more fulfilling. I’m more pleased with my results I’m seeing at work, and I experience less overwhelm. I feel less of a sense of urgency as I go through my days and more of a sense of grace and economy of motion and thought. I enjoy getting things done, both while I’m doing them and after the tasks are completed.

Life feels like less of a struggle and more a fun and challenging game.

I came up with all of this while driving and speaking into a personal recording device. It pretty much came out of my mouth the way I’ve written it, in about 5 minutes time.

I highly recommend this process of looking at what’s working for any of you since you began the ES Course. I got a TON out of doing this. Thanks, again, French Claire for launching the thead!

Best to All,