Hi Stevers,
What an impressive list of successes. If I weren't doing the course myself and experiencing major change, I would have difficulty believing anyone could create that much positive change in just six weeks.
Yet I now know this is possible.
Congratulations. I can see by your contributions that you are investing in generating tangible outcomes. It is inspiring to read how much you have attained.
Just imagine what our lives could be like if we sustained this progress for, say, 12 months.
I am actually managing to apply the rule of five - no procrastination, no self-sabotage. I'm not doing five actions daily on each goal, more like a step or two in the right direction. This is generating change and progress at a pace I feel comfortable with. I think I can take the steps now (which I previously found I had no time for) because my goals and life purpose is clearer.
Take care,
French Claire