I'm going to take a chance and let you take a peak at what's going inside my head. Basically my mindset and how I view the world. I'm only doing this because I care, so lets get started.
All that I am about to explain to you here is nothing new. I'm sure it is written down somewhere in the pages of a book or on a tape, and so others may have this same view. The difference is that I really believe in it, so it is mine.
When I start typing you will see a lot of the word YOU, I am talking about me its just flows a lot easier to say you than me this and me that or even I.

It is important that you (me) have a core belief. My mindset didn't start in the commodity market, it started in my real life. I personally think you must be at peace with yourself before you can accomplish anything in life.
Maybe something from your past has given you pain.If that is the case then your core beliefs have got to go, and a new set of beliefs must replace them. Beliefs you can live with. A belief that is conducive to your health and well being.

Do you ever have mood swings? You get up in the morning and it feels like a good day, things are clicking and then for no apparent reason your mood changes, I mean the rest of the day sucks. what happen?

Do you ever beat up on yourself? Call yourself names, feel worthness, walk around with your head hanging down. Feel anxious and feel there is no more hope for you. Do you find yourself starting project with much enthusiasm only to lose interest.

There is a voice in your head that you communicate with. You think with it, you plan with it, it helps you get through the day.There is also a voice that is not your friend, matter a fact it is trying to destroy you in any way it can.I don't know what it is, call it a evil spirit or something else, it doesn't matter. I think we are born with it and the older we get the worse it gets.

Here is the challenge, fix that problem and the rest will come easier. Don't look at the outside for help. Start on the inside and work your way out.

We all have this voice, the good,the bad ,and ugly but some of us have learned to deal with it. What gives me comfort in all of this is knowing that I'm not alone. So if I'm a freak of nature, so is everyone else.<grin>

If you think this is too extreme for your belief system don't discount it yet. After all I'm doing this for you not me.

This can be said in a number of ways and has been said in many ways but I will just say that you need to find out who or what is pushing your buttons.

AT this time I would like to say that if this sound like I am lecturing you, I apologize in advance. I am trying to show you what works for me and how I got here. I think I need to stop here. When I started I didn't know exactly where I was going with this but here we are. I really need to know if you want to hear the rest.
