Originally posted by dolson1018:
Believe me I'm no expert, and you may be half right in my opinion. We probably are not born with this self talk problem that we all experience, but we have this innate ability to store all negative feeling that we have had thrown our way sense man and women first started thinking.

Guess what? I don't think so either . Back in 2002, when I took the Sedona Method and before taking it, I used to believe that same thing. After taking Sedona, I believe that babies as well as very little children don't repress their emotions; they most likely release them. The Sedona Method claims to be the natural ability to release our emotions just like babies and very little children do. I have seen this many times from then. I have six nephews, one of them are under the first two years. I can see how he gets mad for something, he gets silent for a few minutes and then he come happily after, as if nothing had happened. Not so for adults. When an adult get mad for something, he/she dwells much longer on it and afterwards, that emotion continues haunting him/her for longer. I myself had an experience while one of my Holosync meditations in which I vividly recalled a very early moment in my childhood. One of the pieces of information I got was how I used to manage my emotions by then; I remembered that I didn't struggle with them. I believe that the habit of repressing our emotions is learnt as well. From early in our lives, our parents teach us to repress our emotions; when a parent gets mad at a crying child, he/she usually says to him/her: "sit down and be quiet", and maybe spank him/her for crying. The attitudes of the bulk of the people tells us to not show some emotions too. I believe that the whole environment in which we live teaches us to repress, not that we are born with it.

The other thing that you brought up: That voice can be taught to talk positively.

I am sure I'm going against what you are taught but, I don't think so, and again no expert here just my own experience.

Now I'm going to tell you my experience so far with the Ideal Mindset course in what that inner voice concerns. I passed two of the stages on that course; New History Generator and Prosperity. Before, I always thought negatively about my future. That voice used to repeat "I cannot do that", "I can't afford it", well, you might know what I'm talking about. Afterwards, I find myself talking to myself "I'm going to afford a big house", "I'm going to afford an aircraft", etc. Does my inner voice changed it's habits? I think so.

I still have the negative self talk and I'm sure it will always be with me. So what do I do about it. I am alway aware that it is here and I need to keep it in its place.

I don't know you and thus I'm a poor judge, but if you really believe that it will always be with you, then it will always be during your whole lifetime.

My point is this, a unwelcome neighbor which doubles as my inner unwanted voice needs to be put in place all the time. He has a short memory so I must stay watchful and catch him at the door. What I do, and this can be hard at times, is to pay attention to what is going on in my surroundings, stay in the moment as much as I can. I sit down in a quiet place and just let my mind wander and go anywhere it wants to go. Before you know it you are thinking about something that makes you uneasy. Try to capture that moment, and figure out how you got their. I don't do this all the time because it happens enough in my ever day life. What I will learn from this would be different from what you would learn. Why don't you start on one of your courses ( make it for real )and try to stay in the moment and see where it takes you. What you are looking for here is what tiggered your decision to quit something or what ever else it might be.

Very interesting approach, it can be followed by choosing a paraliminal and work with it from the inner mind. You know, changes come faster if they emerge from your inner self and paraliminal tapes can help in achieving so. I think there are no paraliminal available now to buy, but during the year, they will be released on CD.

When your thoughts are sitting idle that is a signal for the other leech to sneak in.

This is what I do. I try to stay away from habits. A few examples would be When I run the microwave I don't set it for 1min. or 2min. I will set it for 1min. 43sec.2min. 11sec. that way I'm in charge. When I shave I use to start on my neck, work my way over to my chin and then do both cheeks and last I would do the part under my nose. Now I start and finish somewhere different. One day I may put my right shoe on first and the next day my left shoe on first. You get the picture.

I have read something about what they call "brain gymn" or whatever (I'm not sure on the term). If I remember correctly, you give your mind a "workout" by doing things differently each time.

What do I do when the voice comes? The first thing I do is try to figure out what tiggered it ( explained before ) and then I run my thoughts.( no room for both ) I may say, Oh no you don't! I know what you are trying to do. Your not getting your way, I'm in control here, get back in your hole with the rest of the leeches. Do not say this out loud. This works for me, I live it. Its hard to remember at times, but like they say anything worth having is worth working for. For me this is a big part of doing away with procrastination.

The strategy then is to keep the voice in check. I think it could be more effective to teach it to talk possitively. As I mentioned above, I find myself doing positive self-talk, I believe it to be possible.

I will give you the other part tomorrow and my mindset for commodity trading.

I'll be waiting for it.