I did not take the time to read all the responses... But since when was this forum about going detail by detail?

I think this. NLP, Genius Code, PR, are all means to an end not ends in themselves. It all comes back to the PR system idea of a purpose. Why do you want the aforementioned "self help?"

I am just obsessed with learning. And I'm a high school student so I'm totally ok with that being my reason for using PR. More specifically. I want to spend less time on my school work so I can study more things I enjoy like psychology, and music.

I think if I could give any advice in developing a routine it would be this. Find what you are passionate about. Spend and hour each day learning a genius code technique that will help you learn that passion more easily, then spend three hours on your passion.

That's an idealization of course. Time constraints exist. Financial limitations exists. But along with my suggestion comes a question. Is your passion "self help." Is your real motivation just to posses talents that others do not possess? Are you even...becoming so obsessed with the idea of having more "power" (over yourself, your mind, or others) that said obsession is taking away from your real life?

I can state these questions so clearly because I struggled with the questions myself.

The desire for power never leads to a happy ending. If you don't believe me...PR history.

Because as I know you know, repetition is the greatest path to memorization, ask again

What are you passionate about?

Good Luck!